"Journey of Filipino Older Persons Towards the New Normal in the times of COVID-19: A Mixed-Method Study"

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COVID 19 Through the Lens of a Senior Citizen
Edna B. Angelada
Model Senior Citizen
General Santos City

Earlier in December 2020 European Countries scrambled to thresh out a coordinated response to a new strain of the coronavirus which has prompted an international suspension of travel links with the United Kingdom(UK). It was a Holiday season nightmare faced by Europe. The Eu Ambassadors have met “to try to nail down a unified approach and work out how to eventually lift the border restrictions with Britain; including by imposing a requirement for test on all arrivals”
Very soon more than two (2) dozen countries from India to Argentina suspended flights from the UK, offering a bleak reminder that the pandemic is far from over.
The World Health Organization (WHO) emergency chief Michael Ryan tried to temper the alarm by stressing the situation was not “out of control”, shortly after a British Minister used these exact words to describe the new spread of the new variant.
While experts say there is no evidence of the UK variant of the virus; one of several mutations is lethal or will affect the impact of the vaccines, it may be up to 70 percent more transmissible, according to early data.
Concern over the mutated strain sent the Philippines in particular, business establishment plunging and reinventing their business, oil price hike, transport changes, NCR tightened virus lockdowns and unleashed chaos for travelers and truckers, etc.
Remember, thousands of people are still dying daily from the virus that has claimed at least 1.69 million lives as of December 2020 since its first emerged in China in late 2019.
The National Capital Region (NCR) composed of 17 cities and 1 municipality, an epicenter in the latest surge in infections, had no more or few intensive care unit beads available in the heavily populated Metro Manila area, prompting dozens or more provinces and barangays to strictly impose travel documents and health requirements.
The New Normal in the lens of a Senior Citizen: the situation taught me
The past 12 months have been a testament to how the Filipino spirit has helped itself, the community, and the nation rises above the challenges and the nation rise above challenges the pandemic has brought us.
Adapting to Survive
When the community quarantine was announced, I decided to venture and assess by resources at home and family. I applied so much creativity as possible to be understood by the members of the family. For me, I know that the pandemic would not just end as easily as perceived. At this time and age, only God knows. Pray.
Within the first 3 months, I really fear what is next. But God is just around. Call Him and He will rescue us.
Aside, the family has to save on food, money, and other resources, for tomorrow may not come. We found out it is expensive to die and get sick these days. We have to live and adapt to survive COVID-19 and its variants.
Compelling change
With the pandemic, a lot of industries were compelled to change and re-invent. When the public was asked to stay at home, save money, save lives, our social activities crashed. When the community quarantine was imposed, it caused us to; plant, clean, eat healthy plant-based food, fruits, and root crops.
Amid the coronavirus crisis, there was no boredom at home. There is a big adjustment with the physical distancing and health protocols. Everyone is affected. We need to be resilient and have faith that things will go back to how they used to be.
A time be kind
Personally, I have to reinvent my health and wellness through reading books and articles discussing natural methods such as acupuncture, physical therapy, myotherapy, and mental health counseling. I may not have gone through all these natural methods but reading can help better.
I would like to believe that living well plays an important role in helping Filipinos cope—both mental and physical, with the effects of the pandemic.
The Words to ponder
The abrupt shift of the new normal from the pre-Covid 19 periods was difficult for everyone, especially for those immunocompromised people such as the senior citizens. Our daily activities were restricted and we should've observed health protocols. During this time we are given the chance to reflect and ponder things. As a senior citizen surviving in the midst of pandemics, I want to share some insights for my fellows and for others as well.
We must ponder these things; be aware of the current updates of the pandemic, be physically and mentally fit, get involved and be participative in any activities inside the house, and get connected to other people even in the use of social media apps.